Ny generalsekretær i CEP


Norske petanquespillere har mye å takke seksjonsleder Signe Hovind for. Hun har i mange år utrettelig jobbet for det beste for norsk petanque, og i 2016 videreførte hun sitt sterke engasjement til styreverv i det europeiske petanqueforbundet Confédération Européenne de Pétanque.

(Foto: Cecilia Marie Socquet-Juglard)

Mandag 22. oktober 2018 kunngjorde president Mike Pegg nok en ny milepæl: 

We are delighted to announce the appointment of our new General Secretary, Mrs. Signe Hovind.

Signe has been playing petanque since 1990, and has participated as a player in both World and European championship several times. She has served on club committees for many years, and was elected to the Board of the Norwegian Petanque Federation in 2007.

In 2011 Signe was elected President of the Norwegian Petanque Federation, a position she continues to hold, and in 2016 she was elected to the CEP Board 

The Board of Directors welcomes Signe to her new post and we are certain that her experience, enthusiasm and determination will serve the CEP well.

Signe Hovind overtar stillingen etter Bruno Fernandez, som etter eget ønske nå går av som generalsekretær.

It is with a mixture of sadness and gratitude that the Board of Directors announces that Bruno Fernandez has decided to resign his position as General Secretary.

The CEP Board takes this opportunity to express our appreciation for the significant contribution Bruno has made to the CEP over the past 6 years as our General Secretary.

På vegne av norske petanquespillere takker også vi for all den innsats Fernandez har viet til det beste for det europeiske miljøet. Vi er stolte og glade over at vår egen Signe tar over etter ham, vel vitende om at hun kommer til å videreføre hans arbeide på aller beste måte.

Gratulerer som ny generalsekretær i CEP, Signe Hovind!